No Gift Comes Free

You may get the gift for free, but that doesn’t mean the person who gave it to you did. With any luck, they carefully listened to you throughout the year, noted what you said you might like or indeed, love to have one day and they ran out and bought that very thing for a special occasion. But they paid for the privilege of seeing your face light up at their thoughtfulness and consideration.

You’ve gifted someone many times, and there is little doubt in my mind that you gave them the perfect gift. In fact, I’m quite positive they told you using those exact words that you had gotten exactly what they wanted and either not thought of, or talked about ages ago, though we can all admit, depending on the age of the person you are gifting, they may well have broadly hinted for months until you gave the gift, then sighed in relief because you wouldn’t have to hear about it anymore!
Gifts aren’t the only thing you purchase. It’s nearing tax time here in the States, so odds are you consult a tax professional to help you file your taxes. The same day, you might pay a hairstylist, shop for groceries, and because it’s been a busy day, you might just get takeout for dinner. Just listing all the people you’re paying with your purchase of groceries would be exhausting, not to mention the busy takeout place with the excellent rating by its customers!

Each person you have paid along the way has taken time to learn their jobs. From a cashier who must learn innumerable codes to ring up your fruit or vegetable purchases, to the hairstylist who went to school to learn her trade, to the accountant who does your taxes, each of these people you deem worth your money and time.
Psychics take time. You may or may not have read my dim view on child psychics, but let me say that very rarely will you speak with a psychic – even ones who are born naturally – who went around doing readings for money when they were children. You may see a couple featured on television, but that’s about it, isn’t it? You aren’t seeing a great many children reading because they must grow and learn in order to do so. Just as a doctor is born with healing abilities, so are psychics born with a little bit extra in the knowing the future department. There are many healers running about who don’t have degrees – the woman or gentlemen who makes you smile every time you see them is a healer, for instance – one born with the ability who chose not to go to medical school because of the expense and years such an education would take.

Psychics who read professionally have taken quite a lot of time and effort to learn our trade. There is a reason courses exist to help you develop your psychic ability. From some of these courses will come the psychics of tomorrow. They had the ability all along, but they had to hone it at some point. It takes years and isn’t entered into lightly, but then, nothing worth having comes easy.

© Leah  
Datum: 21-02-'18

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