Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth: a Wish here that is a Reality on Other Planets. Peace on Earth sounds great.

Every time I hear it, I admire the person wishing for it.

But I know it will never happen.

I don’t mean to be a downer; truly I don’t – and particularly not at this time of year.

But if you think back to some of the greatest lessons you ever learned, they came from great pain and struggle to overcome incredibly stressful situations, not pleasure.

This is why there will never be peace on Earth.

A popular movie I watched featured computer-based life forms who claimed they’d tried to create a utopia for humans. The result? Humans roundly rejected it.

There is, sadly, some truth to this.

We can’t have it good all the time. If we did, nothing would get done. You can’t be alight with accomplishment having not struggled through the dark to reach it.

If at this point you’re thinking a lot of good gets done in this world by people who work hard to prevent pain, you are 100% right.

They came here to do what they could to alleviate the pain they see in the world.

But they can’t prevent it.

Psychics know there is a reason for this, and I’ve mentioned it before. You’re here on Earth to get yet another advanced degree. The more advanced you are, the harder and harder courses you must take, because you’ve mastered everything else.

If you happen to be among the people who don’t believe in alien life on other planets, stop right here.
If you do believe, then I’ve got an interesting little fact for you: Earth is considered one of the hardest planets you can live on by extraterrestrial life.

There is peace on other extraterrestrial planets. Total, complete peace. A very thin veil exists on other planets, one where the residents of these planets can easily see the Other Side and communicate with their passed over loved ones.

Yet these same aliens – the ones who have total peace and what we would refer to as a utopia – take thousands if not tens of thousands of lives in such an environment to become advanced and accomplished old souls.
They don’t envy us our experiences here - but they do admire.

Haven’t you ever thought it odd that UFO sightings and other extraterrestrial activity have never bothered to actually land to say hello, or at the very least, send a signal allowing us to be finally aware of their presence?
They have good reason for not landing, because extraterrestrial beings aren’t here to visit. They are here to observe.

And admire.

Admire how you cope with your day to day stress. How you always soldier through when the going gets tough, even if it means you have to crawl on your belly to achieve your goals.

Incarnation on a planet like ours isn’t a situation one enters into lightly. So by observing all the trials and tribulations you’ve went through to become the wise, advanced soul you are today, these extraterrestrials can weigh the pros and cons and decide if they ever want to incarnate on this planet.

I’ve always found this information comforting; in a way…a gift of its own, one might say at this time of year. Year from now, when all the junk others got is rusty, broken, and long forgotten, you’ll still have admiration coming from the stars.

© Leah 
Datum: 21-12-'17

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