How to keep control over life?

How to keep control over life? It is naïve to think that your life will always remain the same. You can't control all circumstances. It is the way you respond to a circumstance yourself. Then you have control over life. Wanting to have control over life is human. Only, is control over life possible? For a part, because if you want a form of control over life, then you have control over yourself. Because that's the only thing you can control. Then you automatically have control over life.

Too much control

Too much control your life is not OK. To ensures that you want to have life on all fronts in your power and with difficulty open to the unexpected things that can cross your path. They can then easily dispose of you. Your comfort zone is then tormented by the outside and you guard with man and power what you have. Because losing it means losing control for you.

We do not have life in our power

Wanting to have life in its power is exactly counterproductive as you expect from life. You understand that life can give you many disappointments, which you do not want, but call for yourself, because you want to have control. To control life from power, ensures that you never get what you are looking for. Get what you want, knows no power, allow size. And to allow that to go against control, in.

How do you keep control of life

The only way to have control over life and live a pleasant and enjoyable life is to have control over yourself. Because by having yourself in control, you have life in your hand. So you keep control over your life. Quite difficult, say clients who seek contact via chat on

There is only one thing you can control in life

If you take control of yourself, you control your emotions. Do you have control over whether you respond to situations. That way you also get to know yourself very well. Then you are not concerned about whether or not things will stay in your life, as a partner, a job. You are concerned about yourself, that's matter.

So you are in control

Instead of that situation you have control over yourself. Like, if I do not lose my job. If my partner stays with me. That changes, if I lose my job, then I'm not going to be sad about that, because that does not add anything. I trust that I will soon get a new job again. Work enough. That's the way to live life to the fullest. Throw away the fear of lossing things in your life. Be responsible for yourself, not loosing yourself, then you have control over life.

The pressure is gone

The beauty of this way of controlling is, that you put much less pressure on yourself. You dare to indicate your limits. You dare to make choices. Chat with one of the top psychics and top mediums of to let go of control over everything and gain control over yourself.

Control your emotions

If you want a life that is good for you, the only way is to get control over your emotions. Something happened, and you are not responible for that. It overcomes you. But then, it is the way you respond on it. If you get angry, said, then you feel bad. These emotions may be there, but for how long. Will you be a victim of life, or do you want a life!

The only way to have a nice life is, live your life your way. To let go of bad emotions. You can chat for this on Mediums can help you with their insights. How to keep control over life. Now you know How. Want to talk about it? Start a chat on Mediumchat.

Datum: 15-02-'24

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