Talking to your crystals

Talking to your crystals sounds weird and complicated, but it’s actually very easy. Every human being has intuition, and you have chosen all your crystals intuitively; just the right crystal for you at this moment in your life.

Crystals respond to our energy field, and give everything they have on healing powers, back to us.

My advice is however, to cleanse them thoroughly, after purchasing. All crystals have been through a lot of human hands, and from each person the crystal absorbs energy. Think about how crystals are mined, transported. Tumbled or cut into pieces and jewelry. Eventually they end up at your local supplier. And the store owner probably has never cleansed them.

The most well-known techniques that have been used to cleanse crystals are: Water, sage or incense, you can recharge them with Hematite and Quartz crystals.

If you have singing bowls, you can use them to cleanse your crystals as well. Don't put the crystal inside of your singing bowl, it can break easily!

Cyanite and Selenite have the unique abilities to discharge and recharge other crystals at the same time. You can buy a rough crystal, a cluster, a sphere, pyramid, obelisk or egg. Place all your crystals or jewelry in a circle around them, so they can recharge.

Sun- and moonlight works very well too. Do remember that lots of crystal colours can fade in sunlight. Like Amethyst, Rose Quarz, Fluorite, Celestite, Larimar, Kunzite, etc. You can also lay them in the morning sun for an hour or so.

Too hot or too cold temperatures are not good for your crystals, they can break.

Attune to you crystal
Pick the crystal up, and look at it. What colour has it, and why did this colour appeal to you? Do you like the colour, does it feel cherishing, does it give you an energy boost, or calm you down?

Are there any shapes and figures on the crystal.

Now hold the crystal in your hands, and close your eyes. Let the energy of the crystal flow through your, via your hand chakras.

What is the crystal telling you? What kind of emotions are you experiencing right now? Do you feel lots of energy, does the energy feel warm, or cold? Do you feel a powerful energy, or very soft and loving energy.

Do you feel energy through your chakras, and if so, which ones?

You can also lay the crystal on one of your chakras, for instance your third eye chakra (6th chakra).

Ask the crystal what his message is for you, what lessons are there to be learned.

Dependant on your abilities, you can gather information.

Sometimes the information the crystal is giving you, can be very incoherent. Please write your meditation experiences down in a journal, even if they seem to be insignificant. And repeat this meditation regularly.

You can also lay the crystal on another chakra, please let the crystal guide you.

Some crystals will speak to you immediately, others will take longer to "Awaken", usually those need more cleansing.

Don't be frightened if other energies are coming through via your crystal, like Angels, fairies, Light Masters, Dragon energies. There are many different dimensions stored inside of a crystal for centuries. And depending on your level of consciousness, this may happen to you.

© Arlette
Datum: 15-06-'18

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