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Seen through the holistic approach people are physically and emotionally inseparable from their social environment. Our ultimate goal as human beings is to gain spiritual growth in the most positive sense of the word. The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or disk. Blockages in the Chakra can be treated through Reiki, meditation, relaxation exercises. With essential oils, gemstones and music, but also with a foot reflexology treatment.

What are Chakras

The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or vortex. Chakras are energy centres of consciousness in the human body. Which also are called power centres. In China chakras are also described as a wheel-shaped vortex. In which levels of consciousness interset or meet.

Chakras are not physically designated centres in the body. But rather energy swirls of the human aura. Although current knowledge of the Chakras has its roots in traditional yoga teachings. Very sensitive people from all cultures have always experienced them throughout time.

Man has seven major Chakras that lie along the spinal column. And are connected to each other. Each Chakra radiates through the body and has a specific Chakra effect. On the organ functions, circulatory system, hormones. But also on the emotions and thinking. In addition, they transform the cosmic life energy (prana) in which man is saturated. This energy is absorbed by the Chakras, focused and made available for mental processes.

All Chakras are traditionally associated with colours, symbols, mantras (loaded with divine power sounds). Elements and gods, which correspond to the vibrational frequency of certain energy swirls. That can help to decipher its esoteric meaning.

What is a pendulum

A pendulum is actually not much more than a piece of string with a weight on it. Often a chain is used instead of the rope. The small weight of the pendulum usually consists of a semi-precious stone, or metal. You should use a pendulum that feels right for yourself. Personally I prefer to use a pendulum with an amethyst. But that's very personal.

Before the medium starts the session. Usually a short grounding meditation will take place. As a result, the pendulum is well grounded and will suffer less from "white noise". It is also important that the session takes place in an energetically quiet space. The medium sits straight behind a table with both feet on the ground. The chain of the pendulum is placed in the palm. And the pendulum itself is hanging freely over the index finger just above the table.


The medium will then concentrate on the pendulum. Once the pendulum is hanging entirely motionless. The medium asks certain basic questions to the pendulum. For example: "What is yes" and "What is no”? But there are also many other possible questions like. "Do not know", "Cannot say" etc. Following this request, the pendulum will create a certain oscillation.

The medium then knows what move the pendulum will make for "yes" and what move the pendulum will make for “no”. Then the medium can really start the session. It is very important that the medium is unbiased towards the person with certain questions. If not, the medium may still involuntarily affect the response of the pendulum.

Are pendulums reliable?

The pendulum makes use of the energy, which is in the space around us. Research has shown that, when the pendulum session occurred in an energetic quiet space 70% of the responses are correct. Some of our consultants, can do a session with you, if you would like that. Ask about it.

What is the difference between a medium and a psychic?

When we look in the Oxford dictionary it gives this definition for medium. "A person thought to have the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension". For psychic the Oxford dictionary offers this explanation. "Sensitive to influences or forces of a nonphysical or supernatural nature”.

A "clairvoyant" is in the same dictionary the same as "a psychic."

Then we have to have a look at what's psychic. Clairvoyant. "Is the ability to see things that are hidden from others." The first thing we can deduce from this is that a psychic and a clairvoyant are seen by the dictionary as equivalent. Nonetheless, we don’t fully agree. How does it work on Mediumchat. 

It is true that a clairvoyant is a psychic, but a psychic need not necessarily be clairvoyant. For example, a psychic can also be clairaudient, clairolfactive, clairvoyant, clairsentient or claircognizant. It is important to know that "clear" here is something else. Than the clear that we use in our everyday language. Because the images, the words and the things psychic see or hear. Are usually not so clear! The clairvoyant, often has to add a personal interpretation, in order to get a clear answer.

Actually, we should say that "psychic" is the collective name for people. Who are clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairolfactive are clairaudient or clairsentient.

But what is the difference between a psychic and a medium

Then surely we must go back to the Oxford dictionary again: "A person thought to have the power to communicate with the spirits of the dead or with agents of another world or dimension!" In other words, a medium can contact with guides or spirits or the deceased. And the medium articulates what they pass on to him or her.

So a medium doesn’t have to be psychic! But he or she is a channel for spirits/guides/angels. Or whatever you want to call it or see it. Yet most mediums do have certain skills, which psychics also have. In short therefore you could say that a medium is a psychic. Who also has contact with guides. And a psychic has at least one skill like; clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizant or clairolfaction.

Very often I hear and read that mediums are not reliable and their only intention is to empty your wallet.
We should be honest about this topic. Not all people who say they are a medium, are really a medium!
Many people call a medium because they have problems and the bad "mediums" like to take advantage of these poor people.
I have deliberately put the word MEDIUMS in quotes because these people are not real mediums!
They will patiently speak to you, understand your problem and the typical answer will always be; "Everything will be ok, but you still need to have patience for a while!" Another feature is that they often seem strange and they try to get you to call them back as quickly as possible.

They make you more or less dependent on them

This is not to say that genuine mediums always say, it's not going to be okay. But they often feel more genuine and are also more critical about the situation. They remind you of your responsibility. And what you can do yourself to achieve the desired result. After all, you are at the helm of your own life. You can and must make decisions for and about your own life.
Good mediums, dare to say that it is not all down to the other. But it sometimes is up to you too! Mediums from Mediumchat dare to say that a relationship is not good. Even though they know that you will get angry and you will probably never call them again! So our good mediums will not engage in health matters! That is an ethical code of conduct, which applies to all mediums! How doeus it work on Mediumchat. 

Are mediums reliable

We do our best, to test all consultants who work on our line for authenticity. Because of this strict testing, a lot fall off. This gives us confidence that the mediums on our line, all of whom have passed the test, have the necessary qualities.
However, it is important that when you call a medium, you have a good connection. That the medium can empathize well on your energy and the energy of your surroundings! And if the medium asks you a question, you should give an honest answer. You expect also that the medium is fair, and gives a reliable answer, which is only possible if the medium gets all of his or her relevant information. If you don’t give the proper information to the medium the message will lose its quality and authenticity.

Clairvoyants in the Bible

There are examples of clairvoyance going back to biblical times. Abraham, Jacob, Daniel all had prophetic visions in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Joseph, Peter and Paul all had remarkable visions of the future. The New Testament also has a book entirely based on prophetic visions, the book of Revelation by John. In a modern light, he is perhaps the first true prophet in history.

Nostradamus (1503-1566)
Perhaps the most famous clairvoyant the world has ever known, was the famous psychic Nostradamus (older term for prophet) who had productive visions of the future. His book, Prophecies, went to legendary status with clairvoyant prophecies yet to be fulfilled. How does it work on mediumchat. Has no secrets anymore for you. 

Datum: 03-02-'24

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