High Priestess Tarot Card II

High Priestess Tarot Card II. The number 2 representes the balance between two opposites, black/white, male/female, yin/yang. It’s clear that the High Priestess is the symbol for your intuition. She is all about the subconscious, the unseen. She symbolizes fertility, female energy and abundance. She is often pictured with a moon, which also emphasizes the female energy. Sometimes she is pictured as androgenous, representing that the male- and female energy have become One. In some cards you will see the black and white pillars (yin/yang). She is the opposite of the Magician.

The scroll she is holding in her lap, contains the secret Knowledge (Tora). It’s partly covered by her cloak, meaning that the knowledge will come to you, when you are ready for it. If the High Priestess shows up in your cards, she wants to connect you to your intuition, your Higher Self, and your Soul. She learns you to find the answers inside of yourself. Don’t only be kind to your surroundings, but be kind to yourself. For men this card is also very important to ‘soften’ their energy a bit, and get into contact with their female energy; intuition.

General meaning:
The High Priestess brings you the message to listen to your inner voice. Restore the balance in your life, introspection.

It’s very important to follow your gut instinct, and not just your mind. What does your intuition tell you? How can you become happier in your work life. You may feel the need to educate yourself or follow a course. You can feel attracted to jobs as a social-worker, nurse, counselor or psychic. Where you can help people, and use your natural born gifts intuitively.

In a relationship the High Priestess could mean that you will meet a soulmate. It could also symbolize a spiritual awakening, by going within, you will get to know yourself best. In an existing relationship, you will grow closer.

High Priestess:

- Intuition;
- Patience;
- Purity;
- Forgiveness;
- Listen to your inner voice;
- Esoterism;
- Whimsical;
- The subconscious;
- Self-confidence;
- Caring;
- Doubt;
- Fears;
- Secret Knowledge;
- Studying;
- Pregnancy/birth;
- Visions;
- Indecisiveness;
- Intuitive abilities;
- Yin and yang;
- Magic;
- Mother, sister, friend;
- Wisdom.

© Arlette
Datum: 28-10-'18

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