Are my Angels also connected to my Spirit Guides?

Are my Angels also connected to my Spirit Guides?
And can they protect us against negative energies?

All Light Beings work together in the other dimensions, from Unconditional Love. They each have their own task, and there are also many other help Guides and Angels. They communicate telepathically.

Your Spirit Guides are entities from past life times. And because they have been human, they can relate to human emotions, and therefore help you better, concerning these emotions, and trials of life.

Angels can help us more with healing, creativity, and comfort.

Negative energies are not judged by our Angels or Guides, just like they don’t judge negative people. They rise above duality, and realize that everyone has their own life lessons to learn.

If you are asking for protection, they can help shield your energy, but you will have to learn how to protect yourself as well. It happens, because you need to learn from it. And your Angels and Guides are the last to make you dependant on them.

Imagine you are a child and you are afraid of swimming, you don’t learn how to swim by standing by the side of the pool. You need to dive into the deep, to find out, you can swim, and safe yourself. Of course it takes practice.

It’s the same with experiences in life. They allow you to learn your karmic lessons. They always support you, they are always there, if you need them. They are even with people who aren’t aware of them.

If you are asking for protection, it shall always be granted. But the Angels and Guides can’t protect us all the time.

If you are afraid of a spirit in your house, you can ask Archangel Michael to cleanse your house from all negative energies.

You can visualize a white golden light, cleansing your house from addict to basement. You can also work with the violet flame, use white sage or incense. There are many ways to cleanse your house, but it’s always about your intention.

You have to be in sincere prayer, otherwise it won’t have any effect. Some people think they can command the Angels to make their wishes come true, but it doesn’t work that way. They are not the genie in a bottle. Fortunately the Angels know the difference between wishes from the heart or ego.

Sometimes it takes a while before the Angels respond to your wish. Because we live on Earth, it may take time to manifest. Our wishes can be granted in many different ways. Sometimes you ask for something, and receive something completely different. It’s because the Angels know very well, what the core of the problem is, and the needs of your Soul. They always help from Unconditional Love.

If you would see the complete picture, you would understand the lessons a lot better. But the Angels are here to guide you. And even if you don’t see them or hear them, you can understand their messages.

You can sense their loving energy, hear a song on the radio that has a special meaning to you, they could drop a book, and when you open it, it’s on the right paragraph for you, you can smell a certain scent when you invoke them, find white feathers, etc.

Working with Angels and Spirit Guides is no different than with any other Light Being. Don’t forget to thank them for their time and pure Love.

© Arlette
Datum: 24-08-'18

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