Archangel Ariel

The name Ariel means: 'lioness of God'. She is a female Angel, or an Angel that is representing the female energy. She is a protector of the Earth. And connected to the element sky and earth. Her colour is light pink, and heals the heart chakra. However there are people that see the lilac or purple colour around her. The purple colour is connected to your third eye, and crown chakra, and helps you to gain insight, and develop your clairvoyant ability.

She encourages you to go follow your own pathway, and to keep going. To never give up on your dreams. Archangel Ariel is very strongly connected to nature, the elementals, fairies, gnomes, minerals, crystals etc. She is also connected to the water beings, and helps to keep the oceans clean.

If you would like to connect with nature spirits, you can call upon Archangel Ariel. She works closely together with Archangel Raphael, and is therefore called upon by healers. She can help heal the Earth, or animals. If you are healing an ill or frightened animal, you can ask her to help. Lots of Reiki practitioners call upon her.

Archangel Ariel can teach you to manifest your thoughts. To put ideas into action. She learns you how to surrender. And stimulates your creativity. She helps to rise above duality, and become one with your Soul. Her energy is so refined, soft and loving.

She will help you to open up your healing abilities and gifts, and to release fears. She promotes love for nature, and learns us that we should respect Gaia. To not abuse her even more, but heal her. If you feel drained, to go out into nature, and she will give you peace and harmony. Archangel Ariel herself is very cherishing like a mother, she will always listen to you, and help you on your Pathway.

© Arlette

Datum: 26-08-'18

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