A New Type of Superhero: Karmabuster

A New Type of Superhero: Karmabuster. Psychics have a favourite type of superhero we’ve known about for a long time.

We follow their exploits breathlessly, amazed and delighted with what feat our intrepid heroes will achieve next.

We cheer them on frequently – on a weekly, sometimes daily basis.

We know being a Karmabuster isn’t easy.

It’s hard for people to give other people their due. I’m talking about their true dues – the not-so-nice neighbor who keeps letting their dog do their business on your lawn when it’s clearly against moral laws, not just the Homeowner Association’s handbook.

Sometimes, you just have to set the lawn sprinklers on motion detect.

What psychics want you to do is smile as you do so.

You’d think most people would smile.

Yet our clients – you, in other words, - so rarely, rarely do.

This is why we have to cheer you on.

You may think you’re being mean to sprinkle the dog and its owner, but the dog loves water.

The owner, not so much.

But what if I put it to you another way?

What if I told you that the owner dragged his dog around to your yard once a day, and then took his dog around for a potty break to four elderly homeowner’s lawns? All of whom have mobility problems and thus can’t clean up the mess?

Every time their grand kids visit, they have to warn them about the mess in the front yard, and worse yet, the HOA is going to fine them if they don’t pay someone to clean up the mess. All the while, this irresponsible (to say the least) dog owner is walking around with an evil smile on his face, and a song it’s best not to repeat here in his heart?

That changed your tune in a hurry, didn’t it?

I’ve found – as most psychics do – that when this is pointed out to wonderful people who always want to do the right thing, they wind up doing the right thing – the hard thing, but the right thing.

Now that can mean turning the sprinklers on high. It can mean taking video of the dog owner while he waits for his precious to do his business on your lawn. It can also mean calling a representative of the Homeowners Association so they can catch his dog in the act and bring him up by name at their next meeting as an example of what not to do.

No matter what you do, you’re helping others doing it.

Karma means to do the right thing by everyone. Sometimes, karma chooses you as the tool to deliver the most effective, efficient, and productive blow. You might be the closest at hand, or the cleverest, or all of the above and then some – but I’m certain karma will ask you to deliver justice in a way only you can someday soon – if karma hasn’t knocked on your door to ask already.

Step up to the plate when it happens. Sometimes, it’s going to be someone you love dearly who you have to set straight. It can mean withdrawing support to a venture just because someone you can never count on has counted on you and everyone else for everything ever, needs to learn that the support which has been so readily available before has dried up. Because once you stand up, often everyone else will, too.

But karma counts first on you.

© Leah  
Datum: 14-01-'18

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