Tarot Card - The Lovers Card VI

The Lovers Card in the Rider Waite tarot has an Angel on top of the card. The Angel has a purple cloak, which is the colour of spirituality, the third eye (Awakening and intuition). The sun is for purity and life force energy. The blue sky is for emotions, and the clouds for change. The mountain is representing problems you will face along the way in a relationship, and learn to overcome.

The two lovers are standing in the garden of Eden. Behind the man is the Tree of Life, with the 12 flames as a symbol for the 12 astrological signs. Behind the woman is the Tree of Knowledge, of good and evil. The snake in the tree is a symbol of wisdom and enlightenment.

The Angel on the Lovers card is the Archangel Raphael, which brings balance between male- and female energies. The Angel is the connection between human kind and God. He is the Angel of healing and balance. The man looks at the woman, and the woman looks at the Angel. The man is representing the mind, and the woman the intuition.

In astrology the Lovers card is connected to Venus, the planet of Love. The Gemini sign belongs to the Lovers card. It's about two people feeling a connection. The Gemini can communicate very well, and adapt himself to every situation in life.

The number 6 is on the Lovers card. It's the number of the caretakers. They love to take care of their family and friends. They are the healers and teachers. They protect the weak, and avoid conflicts.

The Lovers card means you will meet a new love in your life. There is a strong attraction. Even though you can be opposites as well. Sometimes the card means more Self-Worth.

You are in need of unity, and cooperation. It's a very positive card to have with relationships, depending on the other cards in the card spread. Perhaps you have an important decision to make. Love is primal power, and growth. You can follow your own unique pathway independently. Personal development.

This can mean a new cooperation. Sometimes it means change, or a new job proposition. It’s very important to weigh in all factors, before you make a decision. It’s a very positive card to draw, for your career.

This card is the most obvious cards to pull for relationships. It's symbolizing a loving relationship, or a new love will enter your life. Perhaps even a soulmate. If you are single, then it's a sign to take better care of yourself, to work on self-love, and putting yourself first in life.

The Lovers Card:
- Love;
- Union;
- Growth;
- Opposites;
- Duality;
- Making choices;
- Cooperation;
- Expansion;
- Passion;
- Development;
- Trust;
- To give and take;
- Balance;
- Soulmates;
- Unity.

© Arlette
Datum: 15-11-'18

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