Lemurian Seed Crystals

Lemurian Seed Crystals are unique crystals, mined in Minas Gerais, in Brazil. They become more rare every day. The legend of this crystals is,
that they are single crystals, found in sand, without a cluster (there are Lemurian clusters or druzes, though they are rare), and that they are planted by the Lemurians themselves. These crystals would surface when man kind needed them the most, and are ready for them. Lemuria is an civilisation before Atlantis, where there is Unity and love. There was no duality there, like there is on Earth.

The Lemurian Seed Crystals are not that beautiful at sight, but the persons that are meant to work with them, will be drawn to them automatically. They are Teachers, and they will grow with you in the sense that they know exactly for which information you are ready, and mirror these insights back to you. Confronting, but in a loving and cherishing manner.

The Lemurian Seed Crystals are also called Laserwand crystals. They are crystals that are wide on the bottom and small on the top. They are usually dull-coloured or frosted, and are damaged here and there. They have striations on the sides of the crystal. You can recognize the real Laserwand crystals through these striations. Their colour is white, pink/white, orange (Tangerine), brown (Smokey) and the most rare kind is gold.

When you are meditating with the Lemurian Seed Crystals, lots of information can surface. Sometimes it’s not very clear yet, but slowly you will get used to the crystal, and work together as a team. They are true heart healers, and they also help to cut negative cords, from people or entities. Some people use them to protect their house and loved ones.

The legend goes that by holding one Lemurian Seed Crystal, you are connected to all Lemurian Seed Crystals in the world, like an invisible network. The size of your crystal is not important, sometimes a smaller crystal can even be more powerful than a large one, all depending on your own energy level.

The Lemurian Seed Crystals can connect you to your origin, like when you are a Starseed. And place you back in your orignal power; State of Being. When I was a little child I would collect all kinds of crystals, and this is by far the most powerful crystal I have ever encountered. Still, every Lemurian Seed Crystal is different. The white ones can be used for all chakras, smokey ones can help you ground, the pink white one can open and heal our heart chakra, the tangerine one can make you feel safe in your core being, and heal trauma, the golden one can connect you to Source and your Soul.

In short all Lemurian Seed Crystals can connect you to Source and heal your Soul in a loving manner. The energy is soft, yet powerful, mostly female, although there are male crystals as well. It removes blockages and cherishes you, which makes you feel safe enough to release (age) old trauma, to process and let go. Because it helps you to stay grounded and back into your original power, you will no longer be dependant on anyone else, so you can follow your own unique Pathway. You learn to live from your heart and Soul, and not out of fear (ego). In deep meditation it can help transcend duality.

Lemurian Seed Crystals can have so many different healing powers, it’s very personal. But usually all old Souls are drawn to these crystals and recognize them als Teachers. They have worked with these crystals in past lives. Many say it feels like reuniting with an old friend.

By connecting to the energy of your Lemurian Seed Crystal, please hold the crystal, rub it’s striations, or place it on your heart chakra or third eye chakra. Ask the crystal what his healing power is for you. Please know that you should always stay grounded using these crystals. Use grounding crystals on your first chakra and below you base chakra, like: Agate, red Jasper, Hematite, Boji Stones, Moqui Marbles, and Smokey Quartz.

Be careful with these crystals if you meditate in bed and leave them there afterwards, they are very sharp! Also don’t point the crystal towards someone. Please carefully wrap the crystal in a pouch after you used them. They can damage easily. Cleanse it in sun- and moonlight. You can cleanse them with water, incense, white sage, or singing bowls. Also with Reiki, Angel- or Dragon energies, and any healing modality. The violet- or golden flame, etc. These crystals don’t need that much cleansing. In fact you can use them on your altar and place all your crystals and jewelry around them, the Lemurian Seed Crystals can cleanse and recharge all your crystals.

© Arlette

© www.crystalwebshop.nl
Datum: 18-10-'18

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