Tarot reader
Spiritual teacher

1 credit p.m.

Destiny Goddess

Hello! I am Destiny Goddess and I am here to powerfully and lovingly help you align with your bright destiny. I have been practicing spirituality for 7 years, I am a tarot reader, an astrologer, a numerologist, a woman empowerment coach, and a spiritual teacher.

What can I offer you? Please read carefully.
✨ I can listen to your problems patiently
✨ I can offer you clarity about another person`s thoughts and character so that you will understand how this person is disposed towards you
✨ I can tell you whether or not a relationship is worth maintaining and especially in the cases in which I sense that this relationship is not good for you, I will empower you to tune with your Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine archetype
✨ I can guide you towards your sacred purpose and your divine mission by telling you which traits and characteristics you need to develop in order to take a step towards your Higher Self.
✨ I can tell you what`s unfolding in your destiny.
✨ I can tell you which blessings are coming towards you.
✨ I can tell you just an inspiring message for the day that you need to hear.
✨ I can give you weekly guidance.
✨ I can give you monthly guidance.
✨ I can give you overall guidance for the next 12 months.
✨ I can give you a personalized message for you that the universe, your spirit guides, and angels want you to hear.
✨You can ask me anything apart from health issues or legal issues.

✏️Important Note 1. Please provide me with your date of birth as it was written on your birth certificate especially when you want to ask about your life`s purpose or weekly, monthly, or yearly guidance as this guidance is based on numerology.

✏️Important Note 2. Please describe your situation in as much detail as you can because this helps the channeling process and I can guide you this way in a better way.

✏️Important Note 3. I am here to empower you at all times. Even if something negative has to be addressed (for example if a person is not the right for you), I can help you soothe your pain, I can make you see your worth and step into your power. I am here to remind you how sacred and significant your soul is and to guide you in such a way that will align you with your best version. You have a divine plan and I am just a spiritual messenger, a friend who will remind you who you are.

✏️Important Note 4. As I mentioned, I am a numerologist, and many times I use a combination of tarot cards and calculations. On the one hand, I know I have to be quick because you are giving your money (which is sacred energy) and on the other hand, I know I have to give the best guidance possible, and sometimes to do that you need some seconds to channel. I don`t want to just start talking and saying meaningless things only to talk. But at the same time, I cannot be silent for long. Please know that I am really serious and conscientious with what I am doing and I will try my best to be as quick and accurate as possible. If I need to take my time it will be just a few seconds. I know how important this reading will be for you, I respect you and your money and I will give my all!

Gastenboek (15):

Ik wil graag mijn positieve ervaringen delen met Destiny Goddess. Ik heb haar nu meerdere keren geraadpleegd en elke keer weet ze me weer te verrassen met haar inzichten. In het begin moest ik even wennen aan haar, vooral omdat haar werkwijze en manier van communiceren anders zijn dan wat ik gewend was op dit platform. Ze werkt heel intuïtief en voelt sterk in op de situatie, wat haar consulten een unieke diepgang geeft. Wat ik erg waardeer, is dat Destiny Goddess niet gewoon vertelt wat je wilt horen. Ze praat je niet naar de mond, maar durft ook dieper te graven en verder te kijken dan de oppervlakkige antwoorden. Dit heeft mij geholpen om zaken vanuit een ander perspectief te zien en daadwerkelijk stappen te zetten in mijn persoonlijke groei. Haar inzichten zijn altijd spot-on en ze geeft je het gevoel dat ze echt begrijpt waar je doorheen gaat. Tot nu toe is het meeste uitgekomen wat ze mij heeft verteld. Voor iedereen die openstaat voor een diepere, soms confronterende, maar altijd eerlijke sessie, raad ik Destiny Goddess ten zeerste aan. Ze is anders dan de rest, op de best mogelijke manier.

Dada :
Wauwie straight to the point! Love this medium. I will get back to you. She tells so much wauwie.

I just had a very pleasant conversation with Destiny Goddess. She is very honest and what she predicted earlier has now come true. She senses situations and matters very clearly. In addition, she types quickly and needs little information to give clear answers. === Zojuist heb ik een heel prettig gesprek gehad met Destiny Goddess. Zij is heel eerlijk en wat ze eerder heeft voorspeld, is inmiddels uitgekomen. Zij voelt situaties en zaken heel zuiver aan. Daarnaast typt ze snel en heeft ze weinig informatie nodig om tot zuivere antwoorden te komen.

I wish she was online more often. I had a very, very good experience with her. Her way of channeling and laying cards is far beyond what most people do here in this platform. I`m not saying that the other ones are bad but they answer in a very general way without giving much insight. Unlike Destiny Goddess... She types very fast but also in paragraphs so it might take a while before you get your answer but she will be very, very clear and explains everything in detail, I was very surprised she was so right about many, many things. She also made one prediction and right now it looks like it`s unfolding to what she predicted. I couldn`t believe it at that time but it seems she was absolutely right! So thank you very much!

Dear Destiny, You are an amazing person to speak with. You stopped the time to give all the answers I had. And everything you said was so clear and on the point. Thank youuu soo muchh. You are a 10!!!!

Destiny Goddess heeft aan een naam of geboortedatum genoeg en kan je alles vertellen over de situatie/persoon. Het is wonderbaarlijk hoe correct zij is en wat ze allemaal doorkrijgt het klopt allemaal! Ze is tot nu toe de beste op deze site (en heb ze bijna allemaal gesproken). Ik ben benieuwd of de voorspellingen uitkomen, maar heb goede hoop. Thank you a lot I will talk to you soon! Love Anneke (Ann)

approached you this morning dear, how happy and grateful I am to have come into contact with you. You saw everything very clearly. I asked you about 1 man. you showed so much patience with me and empathy. you are very pure and unsolicited you put the timer on silent to continue talking to me. how you describe yourself in your profile is completely correct. I will definitely come back to you your gift is beyond words, it is wonderful. you gave me strength too thank you!! Destiny Goddess

Tanja den Hertog:
Hi Destiny, I want to thank you for your wise words. It really touched me. The session run down, but I know now what to do, so I can be my authentic me. You also touched my heart and knew exactly what is the root cause of my today problems. Thank you! ????❤️

Thank you Destiny, your reading was very accurate everytime. you have an amazing gift. all that u say in the reading is true. will come back again and again. big hug x

She is really AMAZING! ❤️❤️❤️ more than 5 stars. Thank you so much for the reading. Lots of love x

Destiny Goddess:
The reading with Destiny Goddess was mindblowing! everything she said was true! as if she knew me and my life. You are amazing dear and I will keep coming back to you. love from client who asked about those 3 people xxx

she`s amazing! in my opinion she is the best of this website. she said very accurate things and gave everything in such detail that she could never know. I recommend her 1000%. lots of love x R.

Karin Reinaerts:
Thank you so much for your clarity about the Guy!!!! Xxxxx K

I believe this was the BEST reading I had in my life. I am surprised by this beautiful souls reading, gift, insights. Everything she mentioned was 100% correct .As if she knows me, I am so grateful for the reading and got so much clarity. Thank you so much and I will keep you updated. you are an amazing soul dear. God bless you X

Thank you... Youre message to me was very clear, and take youre advise to heart..she is fast clear and very good xx The connection fell away Will talk to you very soon ;)

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